Jolie Sleep Consulting

the complete Guide to Newborn Sleep

In this Guide, I will walk you through all the things you need to know to help establish your newborn sleep patterns

Are you ready to sleep again?

Becoming a parent is a beautiful gift that we all must not take for granted. But let's admit, it is extremely exhausting!

Imagine if…

A simple newborn guide to help you understand all you need to know about your baby's sleepy cues ,daytime tips and tricks to encourage longer naps, prevent over-tiredness, extend nighttime sleep stretches and get into consistent daytime rhythm.

Imagine you confidently laying a healthy sleep foundation for you and your baby so that you may never have to officially sleep train!

This easy to digest guide is designed to walk you through tried-and-true strategies in small, bite-sized steps.

here's what you'll learn...


Sleep shaping techniques 


How to set a foundation for healthy sleep


How to prevent over- tiredness and the science behind newborn sleep


How to implement a consistent age-appropriate routine effectively


How to respond to middle of the night wakings /crib-side soothing techniques


Dream feeding and extending nighttime sleep stretches.

Ok, so how can you access this helpful guide?

Get this Complete Guide to Newborn Sleep for only


customer testimonials

Sofia F.

“this guide took away all of my uncertainty and helped me feel confident as a new mom”

Carly M.

"My baby would only sleep in my arms before I got this guide and now she falls asleep in her bassinet and stays asleep! pure magic"

Martin R.

“this guide helped us extend our baby's night time sleep stretched between feeds and now out 8 week old sleeps a 7 hour stretch before waking up to eat.”